Shrine And Ritual Items

practice items

Shrine and Ritual Items for Tibetan Offering Practices

The Tibetan offering practice, also known as “Chöd,” is a sacred ritual in Tibetan Buddhism that involves offering various symbolic items to spirits and deities as a way to cultivate compassion and wisdom. These offerings include items such as rice, incense, water, and flowers, and are accompanied by prayers and visualizations. This ancient practice is believed to help overcome negative emotions and obstacles, and is often performed by Tibetan monks and laypeople alike. In this article, we will explore the various items used in Tibetan offering practice and their significance.

Shrine and ritual items are used in daily worship and religious ceremonies, ranging from small personal altars to large public spaces. These items include statues of deities, thangkas (painted or embroidered religious images), prayer wheels, prayer flags, and offering bowls. Each item is crafted with utmost care and attention to detail, and is imbued with spiritual significance.

tibetan waterbowls-offering


tibetan butterlamp-offering


tibetan mandala-offering

Mandala Offering

tibetan serkyem





Kapalas & Spoons

metal phurba

Phurbas & Driguks



bumpa set



Other Shrine Items

practice items

Ready to take your Tibetan offering practices to the next level? Look no further than our collection of high-quality shrine and ritual items. From traditional offering bowls to tormas, our handcrafted selection has everything you need to elevate your practice. Browse our collection today and start on your path to spiritual enlightenment.